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1. What is beamo?
beamo is a small desktop CO2 laser cutter and engraver. It features a powerful 30-watt CO2 laser, that can cut and engrave on organic materials and even engrave select metal. With its revolutionary design and intuitive user interface, you’re just steps away from having fun making amazing things.
2. Will beamo be difficult to set-up?
beamo supports file formats you’re familiar with, such as JPG, PNG, SVG, DXF, AI and PDF, and our software is very easy to use. With the included tutorial, you will be making things in no time!
3. I'm new to all this, what if I have some questions?
You can easily find answers to the most common questions in our Help Center, which we update regularly. You can also contact our customer support online and our support team will be more than happy to help you.
4. What is the warranty?
We provide a 12-month warranty for beamo and 3-month warranty for the laser. If you’ve encountered an issue, please contact our technical staff, so we can determine a suitable fix. Parts and tutorials will be provided if needed, and for the cost of shipping.

About Hardware
1. How do I vent the machine?
beamo is equipped with an air pump and a powerful exhaust. The air pump prevents the material from catching fire while the exhaust extracts smoke and fumes.


2. What is the size of the work area?
The work area is 11.8” x 8.2” x 1.7“ (30 cm x 21 cm x 4.5 cm). There’s a honeycomb structure tray for materials that are up to 1.18” (3 cm) thick. The tray can be adjusted manually or removed to accommodate materials up to 3.15” (8 cm) thick.
3. Does beamo come with a honeycomb cutting platform?
Yes. The platform is manually detachable, freeing up an additional 22mm for materials when removed. With the beamo open-bottom kit, then there are no limits to the thickness of the materials.
4. Where should I put my beamo?
The laser creates smoke and fumes when operating, so we recommend you pick a well-ventilated location and use the included exhaust hose for outdoor venting.
5. What maintenance procedures are there?
To ensure continuous quality laser engraving or cutting, check and clean the lenses and mirrors regularly. Usually once every week, but it depends on usage and frequency. Lubricate the rails and check the water level of the cooling tank regularly.
6. Are there any consumables?
For general use, the CO2 laser tube lasts 6 months to 1 year. The lenses and mirrors lasts 1 year or more under regular maintenance. If replacement is necessary, you can refer to our tutorial to change the parts on your own. We’re still working on pricing and we will update this information as soon as possible.

About Laser
1. What's the wattage of the laser tube?
beamo is equipped with a 30W CO2 laser tube operating at 10,640-nm on average.
2. What materials can beamo cut and engrave?
beamo can cut and engrave wood, leather, cardboard, acrylic, rubber, foods, and more. The maximum cutting thickness is 5mm (varies by materials). beamo can also engrave on anodized aluminum and stainless steel, but the power levels are not enough to cut these materials.
3. Is it possible to cut deeper than the maximum cutting thickness stated in the specs?
Yes. The maximum cutting thickness stated in the specs is for a single cut with at average speed. If you slow down the speed or re-do the cut, you can cut thicker pieces. For example, the maximum cutting thickness for acrylic is 5mm, but you can cut 10mm or thicker acrylic if you slow down the speed or re-cut several times.
4. Does the camera cover the complete work area?
Almost, the camera will miss the upper margin by 1cm. Please see the specs for the exact dimensions.
5. What safety precautions should I take?
beamo is designed with various safety features, such as open lid detection and emergency shutdown. Nevertheless, it is best never to leave beamo unattended while it’s operating.
6. Can beamo cut metal?
The power levels are not high enough to cut metal, but beamo can etch anodized aluminum and stainless steel with our specialized coating.
7. What is FLUX Stainless Steel coating?
You can engrave on stainless steel with beamo only when it is coated with our specialized coating. Before you start, cover the material with the coating first for lasting results.

About Software
1. Is Beam Studio free?
Yes, it is completely free. You’re more than welcome to download it even before receiving your beamo. We’d love to hear your feedback!
2. What file types does Beam Studio support?
Beam Studio is compatible with JPG, PNG, SVG, and DXF file formats.
3. What is the touch panel for?
You can start, pause, and stop a task, control, and monitor your beamo’s status, all with a touch of a finger.
4. Can beamo operate independently?
If you import the files to Beam Studio first, the files will be uploaded to beamo before starting the task, so you can disconnect your computer from beamo anytime after you start a task. You can also import files to beamo directly using USB or choose from the recent task list on the touch panel.
5. How to connect beamo with my laptop?
You can connect via Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or smartphone hotspot.
6. What operating systems does Beam Studio support?
Beam Studio is compatible with Windows, macOS, Linux, and Chrome OS.